


Gamaliel Sirengo

Software Developer

Hello, I'm Gamaliel, a Full Stack Software Developer with keen interest and focus on Front End Development.

In my period of Software development, I've been able to gain professional and practical knowledge of the following programming languages and tools.

Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python

Frameworks: Next.js, React.js, Tailwind, Angular, Django

Tools and Skills: Git, Github, Railway, Heroku, Firebase, Supabase, Linux, PostgreSql, REST Apis, Figma, PostMan, Jira and AWS.

Feel free to reach out if you have anything to talk about, collaborate or opportunities you'd love to share. You can reach me through Mail or Telegram

Here you can see what I use on daily basis


Founder  @  Sokohub Africa
Feb 2023 - Present
Software Development Lead  @  Skydevs Africa
Aug 2023 - Present
Software Developer  @  Nuri
November 2022 - July 2023
Collaborating with designers and back-end developers to determine the functional requirements of a project and translating those requirements into functional and visually appealing web interfaces.
Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code using React.js and tools such as Tailwind and Storybook to build reusable components.
Implementing adaptive and responsive design principles to ensure cross-browser compatibility.
Freelance Software Developer  @  Hameric
June 2022 - November 2022
Identifying and securing new client work through various channels such as online platforms, networking events, or referrals.
Collaborating with clients to understand their requirements and develop solutions that meet their needs.
Designing, developing, and testing web-based applications using a variety of programming languages and frameworks to ensure the final product is of high quality.