

A list of projects I am working on or built



A Progressive Web App (PWA) to preview any movie, actor or tv show with reviews, ratings, description and posters. Find details of Actors and movies with trailers. Search for movies, actors or TV shows and get a quick glance on the details.



A platform that aims to bridge the gap between Farmers, Investors and land leasers. Land leasors are able to list their land to be used by investors and earn revenue. Farmers have a dashboard to keep track of their crops and features such as uploading crop picture and getting plant health information

Django Rest FrameworkReact.jsPlant Health ML Models

Gevic Supplies Procurement Platform

An online procurement platform meant to simplify the procurement process and make it as transparent as possible.



Awwwards is a clone of the popular website Awwwards. The application will allow a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by his/her peers.

DjangoDjango RestBootstrap

Personal Blog

Personal Blog and Portfolio built with inspiration from Perth and Einar Gudni.
